Free Preview

    1. BC PNP Process Overview

    2. BC PNP Ranking System

    3. BC PNP for Health and Child care workers

    4. BC PNP for Tech Workers

    5. BC PNP Streams

    6. Express Entry BC (EEBC) Option

    7. EEBC

    8. Work Permits for BC PNP Nominees

    1. BC PNP Eligibility Criteria for Skilled Workers

    2. Intention to Live in British Columbia

    3. Economic Benefit to B.C.

    4. Immigration Status in Canada

    5. BC PNP Eligibility Criteria for Nominating Employers

    6. Nominating Employer Responsibilities

    1. Let's Connect!

What's included:

  • Free
  • 15 lessons

Navio Platform

An innovative solution making access to personalized advice from an RCIC more affordable so you can complete your Canadian immigration application faster, easier, with less stress.

Meet the Creator of Navio Platform!

Brooke Finlay

I am an innovator, change maker and disruptive entrepreneur. I'm also a Canadian immigration expert, empowering individuals and organizations to seize opportunities that will enable them to pursue their fullest potential. Over the past decade, I have been dedicated to changing lives and building Canada's social, cultural and economic fabric by navigating immigration legal systems. My experience operating a bespoke consulting firm and completing a Master's in Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship has fueled my desire and ability to meaningfully contribute to building solutions addressing some of the world's most pressing problems. I am committed to nurturing my entrepreneurial and innovative spirit through purposeful work to create positive impact in the world. Outside of work, you'll find me in nature, on my mountain bike/skis, traveling or herding cats (aka wrangling twin toddlers).

Brooke Finlay

RCIC, Entrepreneur, Canadian Business Immigration Expert

Social proof: testimonials

“I applied for Permanent Residency through Express Entry, and with such an important application on the line, it was great to have someone guiding me through this - giving me the confidence that nothing had been missed for each step. I am so grateful for how much support I was able to get through Brooke and this platform. And with a step by step, chronological guide, it makes this BIG process, seem very digestible. Although I had friends who had been through the process, offering advise - there are so many specifics for each individual, and it would have been an incredibly daunting process without this help, and I'm not sure how I would have pieced it all together otherwise. When the application was complete, they have someone take a final look over everything to give it the all ok, before submitting. Brooke and her team go out their way to offer personal support and guidance. Highly recommend for anyone going for PR in Canada.”

“This service was invaluable! The experience of working with Navio Platform for my application made me feel far more confident with submitting my final application and far more reassured that I hadn't missed anything crucial. As someone who thought I kind of knew what I needed and had read all of the supporting document info online, and had been getting the documents together etc., having the advice and guidance from Navio Platform on those small details, the extra documents & explanations that no one tells you that you need and that can make the biggest difference between a final yes and a no was fantastic. I am so much more confident in my application having had Navio Platform's support and construction of each of the documents I submitted, specific advise relating to each of my documents & my application and ruled out so much of the uncertainty and confusion of the application process. ”

“Share testimonials about you, your course, or your content. Don't be afraid to reach out to your network to get some glowing words about the work you've done. Most potential students will look to the opinions of others when making purchase decisions online.”